低潜在抑制症 (Low Latent Inhibition)

低潜在抑制症Low Latent InhibitionLLIDecreased Latent InhibitionDLI),是2003年由多伦多大学和哈佛大学的心理学研究专家共同发现的,论文发表于该年九月份Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (性格和社会心理学杂志)。

解释:人的大脑每时每刻都接受很多很多的信息,可是并不是每一样信息都能被接受,在潜意识中大脑会把一切与现在工作无关的信息过滤掉,这样的机制就是潜在抑制(latent inhibition)。而低潜在抑制症患者不断全盘接收这些信息,而且还不断进行联想、扩展。普通的低潜在抑制症患者承受不了如此多的信息,便会引发精神病(mental illness);而高智商的患者则能把这些信息进行有效地利用和组织,成为极具创造力的天才(creative genius)。Low Latent Inhibition,简单地理解就是人类大脑latent inhibition机制的减弱,是低水平的latent inhibition。

"Biological basis for creativity linked to mental illness" October 1, 2003Creative people more open to stimuli from environment
Psychologists from U of T and Harvard University have identified one of the biological bases of creativity










所以有很多Low Latent Inhibition患者心理、生理根本无法负担这种承重,严重的超常规负荷直接导致患者精神分裂,完全崩溃的不在少数,大多最后成为精神病患者






  1. 无数的幼稚问题,小事物的接触让你失眠
  2. 经常恍惚状态,吃药时候都是看见一系列化学方程式,或是无数物质细小颗粒粉末的构成
  3. 完全没有人彻底了解你,从来表现给别人的都是自我营造的其他角色(自闭和多重人格)
  4. 经常感觉脑袋快要爆炸了,思维相当混乱,无数图象,数字等等搀杂其中
  5. 常常会把很多责任往自己身上拉,想改变世界上的一切不公平和丑恶
  6. 现在打字的时候看见的是键盘下面的连接线,线外面的绝缘材料,一块块的塑料的模件…
  7. 从来没有一个异性进入过自己的心,就算别人主动喜欢自己,都会有一种排斥情绪
  8. 接触的人、事物让自己第一感觉就是相当幼稚,然后又发现自己的幼稚

如果你满足了上面6条说明你有可能得了Low Latent Inhibition,当你看完了这篇文字还认为得Low Latent Inhibition是件很酷的事情吗?


以下是 Prison Break Season1 EP09 中的台词:

   …well,Michael suffered from a couple of things.one was a condition called low-latent inhibition(低潜在抑制症).well,people who suffer from low-latent inhibitionnn see everyday things just l-i-k-e you or I do.Like this lamp,for instance.But where we just process the image of a lamp(但是我们眼中只能看到灯的形象),they process everything(他们能看到一切).The stem(支架),the bulb(灯泡),the bolts(螺钉),even the washers(垫圈) inside.their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding  environment(他们的脑子对周围事物的信息更开放).Other people’s brans–yours and mine –shut out the same information.We have to do it in order to keep our sanity(健全的).If somebody with a low iq has low-latant inhibition,it almost always results in mental illness(精神病).But if someone has a high iq,it lamost always results in creative genius(具有创造性的天才).

   …no sense of self-worth(没有自信心)…but with the low-later inhibition,something interesting happened to michael.He became very attuned to all the suffering around him(他变得对周围的苦难有强烈的共鸣).He couldn’t shut it out(他不能坐视不管).He became a rescuer(他变成了一个帮助者),one of those people who are more concerned(关心,关怀) with other people’s welfare than their own.

以下摘自维基百科中对Low Latent Inhibition条目的解释:

Most people are able to shut out the constant stream of incoming stimuli, but those with low latent inhibition cannot. It is hypothesized that a low level of latent inhibition, or LLI, can cause either psychosis or a high level of creativity,[1] which is usually dependent on the subject’s intelligence.[2][3] Those of above average intelligence are thought to be capable of processing this stream effectively, an ability that greatly aids their creativity and ability to learn and which categorizes them as almost creative geniuses. Those with less than average intelligence, on the other hand, are less able to cope, and so as a result are more likely to suffer from mental illness.[4]

High levels of the neurotransmitter (神经递质) dopamine (多巴胺) (or its agonists) in the brain are thought to lower latent inhibition.[5] Certain dysfunctions of the neurotransmitter glutamate have also been implicated [1], and the glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia is increasingly being seen as an alternative to the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia.


Low Latent Inhibition Plus High Intelligence Leads To High Creativity?

Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto and colleages at Harvard University have found that decreased latent inhibition of environmental stimuli appears to correlate with greater creativity among people with high IQ.

The study in the September issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology says the brains of creative people appear to be more open to incoming stimuli from the surrounding environment. Other people’s brains might shut out this same information through a process called “latent inhibition” – defined as an animal’s unconscious capacity to ignore stimuli that experience has shown are irrelevant to its needs. Through psychological testing, the researchers showed that creative individuals are much more likely to have low levels of latent inhibition.

“This means that creative individuals remain in contact with the extra information constantly streaming in from the environment,” says co-author and U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson. “The normal person classifies an object, and then forgets about it, even though that object is much more complex and interesting than he or she thinks. The creative person, by contrast, is always open to new possibilities.”

Previously, scientists have associated failure to screen out stimuli with psychosis. However, Peterson and his co-researchers – lead author and psychology lecturer Shelley Carson of Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Harvard PhD candidate Daniel Higgins – hypothesized that it might also contribute to original thinking, especially when combined with high IQ. They administered tests of latent inhibition to Harvard undergraduates. Those classified as eminent creative achievers – participants under age 21 who reported unusually high scores in a single area of creative achievement – were seven times more likely to have low latent inhibition scores.

The authors hypothesize that latent inhibition may be positive when combined with high intelligence and good working memory – the capacity to think about many things at once – but negative otherwise. Peterson states: “If you are open to new information, new ideas, you better be able to intelligently and carefully edit and choose. If you have 50 ideas, only two or three are likely to be good. You have to be able to discriminate or you’ll get swamped.”

“Scientists have wondered for a long time why madness and creativity seem linked,” says Carson. “It appears likely that low levels of latent inhibition and exceptional flexibility in thought might predispose to mental illness under some conditions and to creative accomplishment under others.”

A less able mind has a greater need to be able to filter out and ignore stimuli. A less intelligent person with a low level of latent inhibition for filtering out familiar stimuli may well sink into mental illness as a result. But a smarter mind can handle the effects of taking note of a larger number of stimuli and even find interesting and useful patterns by continually processing a larger quantity of familiar information.

The central idea underlying our research program is therefore that individuals characterized by increased plasticity (extraversion and openness)retain higher post-exposure access to the range of complex possibilities laying dormant in so-called ??familiar ??environments.This heightened access is the subjective concomitant of decreased latent inhibition,which allows the plastic person increased incentive-reward-tagged appreciation for hidden or latent information (Peterson,1999). Such decreases in LI may have pathological consequences,as in the case of schizophrenia or its associated conditions (perhaps in individuals whose higher-order cognitive processes are also impaired,and who thus become involuntarily ???ooded ??by an excess of e?ectively tagged information),or may constitute a precondition for creative thinking (in individuals who have the cognitive resources to ??edit ??or otherwise constrain (Stokes,2001)their broader range of meaningful experience)

Note from the text of the full paper that stress causes the release of the hormone corticosterone which lowers latent inhibition. In a nutshell, when an organism runs into problems that cause stress the resulting release of stress hormones causes the mind to shift into a state where it will examine factors in the environment that it normally ignores. This allows the organism to look for solutions to the stress-causing problem that would be ignored in normal and less stressed circumstances.

So perhaps we could hypothesize something like this: under stressful conditions, or in personality con?gurations characterized by increased novelty-sensitivity, approach behavior, and DA activity, decreased LI is associated with increased permeability and ?exibility of functional cognitive and perceptual category [see Barsalou (1983)for a discussion of such categories ]. Imagine a situation where current plans are not producing desired outcomes ?a situation where current categories of perception and cognition are in error, from the pragmatic perspective. Something anomalous or novel emerges as a consequence (Peterson,1999), and drives exploratory behavior. Stress or trait-dependent decreased LI, under such circumstances, could produce increased signal (as well as noise), with regards to the erroneous pattern of behavior and the anomaly that it produced. This might o?er the organism, currently enmeshed in the consequences of mistaken presuppositions, the possibility of gathering new information, where nothing but categorical certainty once existed. Decreased LI might therefore be regarded as advantageous, in that it allows for the perception of more unlikely, radical and numerous options for reconsideration, but disadvantageous in that the stressed or approach-oriented person risks ??drowning in possibility,?? to use Kierkegaard ?s phrase.

One can easily see how this response could have been selected for evolutionarily. At the same time, one can also see how chronic stress could lead a person to fall into a state of confusion as a sustained large flood of stimuli could overwhelm the brain by giving it too much to think about and make a person unable to clearly see solutions that will relieve the feeling of stress.

低潜在抑制症 (Low Latent Inhibition)》上有14条评论

  1. Hauy


  2. kai


  3. Hauy

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